Sunday, October 14, 2007

Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Can you control both side of your brain?
Let's look at the picture below. You can see a sexy dancer spinning. Its not 18sx. Don't worry.

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What can see from the the picture? The dancer spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise? If clockwise, the you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa. The spinning direction of the dancer is depend on the individual because we different individual uses different side of the their brain. Your can focus and try to change the direction of the dancer. See if you can do it. Focus and concentrate. I tried to change the direction when i was very tired and exhausted and it wouldn't work for me. But when I'm in normal condition, i can change the direction of the dancer with ease. Which mean i can use both side of my brain. Hahahaha, feel very proud of myself =P

Ok let me end the post with the brain functions.

0 drop of $$$:

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