Aloha everybody~ Again i leave my blog to rot without any update for more than a month. It is 2 hours after midnight now and i still awake, thinking hard what to write about this post while surfing around my Facebook. Seems like nowadays people will "die" without the social networking site. We will see update every second, if not every second then every minute lah. Crazy right? Got so many things to update and inform especially all those stupid quizzes which are mostly not accurate.
Anyway, for the past 1 month plus, there were few major events that happened. Of cos the most important one will be Manchester United 2009 Asia Tour. They are back to Malaysia again since the last 8 years i guess when they first visit here. Im damn excited with the event because this is the team that i first support and will last support until my last breath. I'll not talk much about this because my brain seem to not function well at this odd time.
There is something that i wanted to share now. A pic speak a thousand words. Lets us enjoy and laugh together-gether.
How are guys feel after look at the picture? I bet all of you will laugh until stomach also cramp. Disturb-disturb / Seken / little-little n etc. What the heck?!!? Like that also can ah? Pandai betul this cikgu in the picture. Tabung uji he also can call it balang? Even bahasa also cannot go, no need to say his English lor. Hope you all have a good laugh. Is our future generation will have the hard to time to cope with the Math and Science? Im wondering and worried as well. How our country going to develop into? Are we going to fall further behind after the change made by our Education Ministry. Kepala besar for those who will have problem to study these 2 subjects in English when they step into college or university. Will it be an international joke? >.<" You all think about it. Give la apa-apa comment but not those "Disturb-disturb" or "Little-little" comment. Adios!
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