This morning inbetween 2am-4am, sorry i could not remember the time while i was in the bridge line for a conference call, i heard a sheep sound from the conf call. i was doing my work as usual and i mute the phone and listen to those technians, telecom guys and managers troubleshooting in the call.
Suddenly out of no where, an animal sound came out from the loud speaker of my phone.
Mehhhhehheeh....Meeehhhhhehh......Meeessage.... (just imagine the sheep moan)
everyone in the conf call burst out with their and my colleauges too....then one of the of the person in the conf call ask what was that with laugh..then one of them admitted it was his message tone.
Oh gawd this is funniest message tone i ever heard. I wish i could have it.
Design Home Addition
7 years ago